Eternity James
@eternityspeaks · 1:57

To My Beloved Manifestation

Hello. This is eternity. Eternity speaks on here. I am a spoken word artist, a safe space maker and a spiritual light warrior. This is entitled to my beloved manifestation. Now that my soul has met your beautiful soul, I can't help but love you handsome, my beautiful, jolly giant. I look forward to learning you, loving you in three d and letting us unfold in how divine allows. I will prepare myself and continue working on me over here
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:25
Wow. This is, this is beautiful. Your words and your voice are so powerful when, when talking about this love. It's, it's really beautiful. Yeah. Just really enjoyed listening to it and listening to your passion. And somehow a real, true level of certainty is what I hear in your voice. So, yeah, thank you so much for sharing. I enjoyed it
Eternity James
@eternityspeaks · 0:45


And I look forward to having the love story that I've always written about, and, yeah, thank you. Thank you for that. I hope it inspires you in your journey. And I wish you nothing but love and light on your path. Peace