Because though your emotions may be valid, how you respond to those emotions can often be invalid and incorrect. We have to control our actions, but that first begins with communicating. So just what are your thoughts? How do you feel about that? How do we fix this? Where's the breakdown? Because I've always considered myself a good communicator and when I try to do to accomplish this with other people, I realize that they struggle and don't even realize that they're struggling and
simmonette M
@thinkingoutloud · 5:00
That's why now you have to start communicating with your children now so that they will understand the importance of communication. Children these days are not being communicated, they're being just left alone and doing what they want to do and then we go marrying these same people. So this is a big margin that you have to look very deep into. When we talk about communication it
Joshua Tito
@ozzymendez · 5:00
So I think a lot of communication really comes down to or the communication problems rather come down to people that's not I could say there's a lot of anti intellectual forces and influences, including often in school systems, generally speaking, that encourage people to not think critically, to take appeal to authority, arguments to heart. And that makes them very influenced by charismatic leaders, be it on the community level or on a national or state level
Brian Meadows
@K.j1109 · 2:02
I think we are at a time in our culture where people are not gaining more skills to communicate. They're posting a picture of an emoji to express their feelings, things. And I think it's important that we start with our children and teach them how to look at one another, put down the phones, and really express themselves. Good question. Thank you