Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:59

ArmedGuardAtChurch? WOW…..

I'm not gonna pretend like, oh, no, I wasn't scared. Yeah, I'm scared. I'm scared, and that's why I'm talking with you. How do you cope? How do you feel about these changes in how we engage with one another? I


@homosanity · 4:36
Homo sanity here from the Homo sanity show. Wow, what an interesting swell cast. It shocked me when I saw the title of this. I know I really stepped away from any kind of organized religion, and I've gotten somewhat back because there is a small church here that my mom goes to, and even though it's not very vibrant, it has loving people and a really great pastor
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 3:58
I agree, and it's sad at the same time. Another point that you made regarding the fact that most people don't really have a belief system is very curious to know me because that Judeo christian tradition is a part of what was one of the building blocks of this country in earlier late 18th 19th century constitutional development amendments, etcetera. So I'm not so much concerned about who does or does not embrace Judeo christian traditions
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@homosanity · 0:47


Thank you for such a beautiful reply. And I get what you were, what you were kind of signaling in your reply to one point. And so I'm just going to say this for the listeners out there who may be listening to this, and it's this, should a billionaire be selling a Bible or giving the Bible away? Listen to that again. Should a billionaire be selling a Bible to get profits off of it or giving it away? Homo sanity out
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:41
Wow. Thank you, homo sanity, for your response. And what I would like to offer, in addition to your rhetorical question, is this. If people are in such a position as to provide for a community's spiritual well being and do so in a way that could benefit quite a lot of people, why are they looking to profit from it? Even Jesus got upset when the money changers were in the temple