Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:35

Fashion Faux Pas caused by Daylight Savings Time!

Like, I'm feeling tired and turning clothing inside out and having fashion faux paws. It's also messing with what's called our metabolism and different medical, clinical, physiological conditions like cardiovascular issues, obesity. All of these things and others are affected by daylight savings time. This thing called circadian rhythms is our body's natural way of being up when we are supposed to be up and then down


john olives
@theBittersweet · 3:02


And I find that the more unnatural we become, or say it another way, the further from nature we get, the worse we are off. And this might be. Might look like eating artificial food, spending our days in unnatural positions, like hunched over a desktop, staring at a screen, not getting any sunlight for weeks, et cetera, et cetera. These things are all very bad for our health and our bodies. And I think we came from nature. We are part of nature
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Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 3:01
That shook me. It was simply a fashion faux par. But in a larger picture, there are other things of nature that truly take a hit because we intellectualize ourselves away from what nature has freely and beautifully given. So let's keep this conversation up and celebrate our nature, and then maybe we can, as a community, journey towards that path that leads us back to our nature. Because it's really a beautiful thing