Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 3:51

Ozempic:SOME Side Effects take Center Stage

They stopped and then the weight came right back. Oh, man. I'm just here to give you the information. It is your decision. But the side effects of Ozempic are severe enough to at least make me encourage you to think about it before you sign up. Take care. Let's keep that light on the information so you may the right choices and decisions for your health


Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:34
And when they're walking around losing organs and not being able to process food, they're going to wish they didn't take it. Spending that much money per month just because you are lazy and don't want to go and exercise or you're not disciplined enough to not eat the food that's set in front of you is crazy. Like they make themselves sick on purpose just to lose weight. So this is a subject I feel very passionate about. Of course, a lot of people want to
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:57
When in fact, I've seen other posts where people are talking about the fact that as soon as they go off these diabetic medications, the weight comes right back. And then you have the psychology of it where you were talking about, and I agree with you 100%, they don't like the way they look, so they go for a quick fix instead of going to the gym and watching what they eat