Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:59

What do you do when You WITNESS Domestic Abuse?

The guy killed her and two other people and then himself. Or maybe the police shot him. I can't remember how he died. But the point is the same. We are living in very violent times. And whether it's prayer or contribution, a dollar or something, we've got to do better taking care of each other, because it seems like violence is becoming so common that we are desensitized. Don't step into violence


Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:38
But just the fact that you helped, it makes their exit all the more easier because they know that people care. The world is getting desensitized to violence. There's violence all around us. I mean, kids are playing with violent games on their Ps five s and everything, every single day. So we are getting to that point here in Chicago. I live in Chicago and there's always shootings, even on my block almost all the time
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