Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 5:00

Drug Explosion To Deal With Pain? YOUR Thoughts

And it seems like there has been an explosion worldwide, underground, where illicit versions of this painkiller called fentanyl is being used, mixed in with other drugs and distributed illegally. And it is so potent and powerful that just fractions of amounts of this drug have been led to people's deaths, accidental or otherwise. And it's shocking to me, but also to me, what I think is going on is some sort of community wide


Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 4:58
And before he passed, conversations that I have between him and his parents, it really came down to being community. He actually came from a very wealthy family. But the people that he felt closest to were the people he did drugs with. And he did whatever he could to appease them. And it was very tough. I think, one, we live in a society built on contracts. We all sign contracts
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Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:53
And then as we talk about society and government and participating and voting, we're thinking about, okay, well, we pay taxes, but it gives us a right to life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness. But then when you get down to the basics, does the contract actually lead to life and liberty and pursuit of happiness?