Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:09

Buillied to Death: Nex Benedict:R.I.P.

I had crushes on so many boys, but that's me. And for whatever it's worth, my identification just happens to fit the standard, acceptable one. So what next deserve that same consideration as they explored crushes and emotions and hormone changes and everything else that makes us human. I'll just end with this. And I invite you. Please reply so we can understand where one another is coming from. Next was doing what every 16 year old does


Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:37
I am fortunate that when I worked at the school I worked at, I did not see a lot of bullying of students that were questioning their gender or sexual identity. And that's a beautiful thing. But unfortunately, places like this county exist, and there are a lot of them. And if we do not constantly raise awareness to the safety and well being of all students, we're in for a real rocky ride here
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:22
I'll endure and learn all these new subjects while I prepare to take exit exams or exams, act sats, to go to college and get a job and deal with everything else that everybody else deals with. The added stress really is something that leadership should help the younger people in our communities deal with. And to see a school just shrug its shoulders, oh, well, kind of attitude. Shameful. So, thank you for replying
Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 4:53


Hello. I'm not familiar with the conversation or the individual story regarding Nex, but I do have sympathy for next and Nexus family and those that cared and loved next. It is a shame that people are not able to be their authentic self. I speak a lot about authenticity and individuality because we are all different. There is something about each and every one of us that someone would find that they're not agreeable with if given the opportunity
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:49
That new name reflects who they truly are, as opposed to the dead name, which was a label that had no person attached. It was simply a label. And how a person goes from that label to stopping the dynamic of that label, calling it a dead name, and creating a subsequent and more significant name, I believe is unique to each person who does so and so for next. They were not referred to by the police department and in preparation for their burial
Tim Robinson
@takeitfromtim · 4:51


But in this story of next, losing their life for wanting to be themselves and going through a life of being bullied just because they were different and didn't fit in. And usually these are situations where you have people that, well, I don't know what the root is of. I think hate and judgment and all those things were in the beginning of time. And I think that people try to be around people that have the same views as they have