Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:54

BACON! What kind of bacon do YOU like?

And that's that round piece of bacon that sort of looks like ham that comes on an egg mcMuffin, for example. But the bacon I'm really going to focus on is the sort of striped bacon where you can see stripes of fat and meat. And it's typically smoked as opposed to simply being cured, which is when it's strung up and stored for a period of time as the salts dry out the meat, and it's not smoked during that process


Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:24

Bacon Yummy!! Rind on Bacon

Hey, I love this subject, bacon. I don't always eat pork, but when I do eat pork, it's usually bacon. And I love rind on bacon. I love thick sliced bacon if it's not way too thick. But I love mine crispy. Like, it's got to be crispy. Even the fatty part has to be done just right. But, yeah, good subject, bacon
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Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 1:21
I appreciate what you said so much because everybody needs to watch their pork and beef meat intake in general just to have a healthy diet. But man, when you get that choice of a delicious, flavorful piece of bacon cooked just the way you like it. And like you were saying with the rind when you said that you took me back. Old school classic. As a kid growing up in Louisiana. Oh yes. I remember actually seeing a whole uncut piece of smoked bacon
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:49


I'm so glad that you like that. You know what? Bacon is delicious. Just say the word bacon, and people can smell it. People can taste it. And it was so inspirational to me when I listened to your swell the other day. Girl, I had a bacon sandwich today. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. And I know it wasn't nutritious, but it was delicious. And I had put a little brown sugar on there, too. Oh, my gosh
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Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:58


Two, you're getting more for your money, and it just consumes better when it's thicker like that. And I always cook mine to where they're crispy but not burnt. I don't like bacon that's undercooked like they do in fast food places. The three photos that are in the collage, the one on the left is. I saw this online. I thought, well, you know, I'm going to share these. These are great
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Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 2:15
And you pick and prepare it on your terms because it will make you oh so happy. So thank you for the well wishes for this weekend. I wish the same for you and everyone. And we'll keep talking about bacon. Bacon, bacon, bacon deliciousness. Thank you so much for your post. Bye
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 1:08
Hello? Yes, ma'am. That bacon sandwich sounds delicious. And I thank you for bringing up yet another way that we can enjoy delicious, delicious, flavorful bacon. And you did it on your terms. You ate it up. I can feel the energy of joy culinary fabulousness it. And you know, the next time, the way you organize your fabulous diet and you get all your goodies in, you are saving up for the moment that yes, you will have another bacon sandwich on your terms