
Thoughts are Powerful Things

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You know, thoughts truly are powerful things, super powerful to the fact that thoughts are the determining factor of our results. Now, a lot of the times, because we are ignorant to this and when I say the word ignorant, I do not mean stupidity. Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is a lack of awareness. So I'm going to make you aware of how powerful your thoughts are

Start w/ your thoughts, not your results! #mentalawareness #knowledge #thinkandgrowrich

Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:39
Yeah, I love this. Start evaluating your thoughts first as opposed to your results. And yeah, I think that kind of goes with, like, being an energetic match to what you're calling in and Law of Attraction, and it's not so much about the thing, but it's more about the feeling that comes with it
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:00
It's kind of like what Marley said. It's like being in alignment with what you're calling in. Otherwise you'll miss it entirely. You won't even know it came through on a radio, like a commercial. You'll just miss it. And I think that it's kind of interesting and entertaining and exciting to be in this existence, this plane of creative consciousness that we're all kind of in here together
Kirti Chturvedi
@MindfulMusings · 1:33

#mindfulmusings #thoughts #spirituality #yoga #pranayam #mindfulbreathing

Yes, I think thoughts are very powerful things. But coming from the land of yoga, thoughts are also a way that we can, that can be controlled by breathing. That is why we insist so much on pranayam. Pran is breath, and discipline of breathing is pranayam. When we settle down to do some kind of focused breathing, mindful breathing, we are able to control our thoughts. We are able to observe our thoughts


Thank you so much for your response. I love your philosophy behind thoughts or things. I certainly agree with you with the breathing. I actually do breathing exercises very often throughout the week, starting with my morning routine, and I use the Wim HOF breathing method. So very ironic that you said that and I'm already doing that. Lets me know know I'm definitely on track. And I appreciate you


Hey, Marley, thanks for your response. I really appreciate that. This book is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. So if you've never read this book, I definitely recommend you go get this book. Read it. And don't just read to read. Actually study this book. Study for understanding. And if you have read this book before, I definitely recommend you pick it up and read it again
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 0:13


Ah, yes. My partner actually has that book in the household, and he's like, you totally need to read this. So. Sounds like I should. Thank you very much for sharing. Looking forward to it