Emilie Delcourt
@EmilieD · 0:26


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Gamboj anvil and hammer. A deep gouge requires patience. Trickling SAP as if it were alive, as if a replacement could yield relief. You are almost fluorescent. Sun bright halos, the perfect apothecary

#poetry #thesecretlivesofcolor

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:00
First of all, it's so sweet to hear you read this with the sounds of your baby in the background. That's really, really sweet. Especially cuz like the yellow, the sun. I love it. There's something really tender about that. And second of all, I love this series. I was listening to your Vermilion poem just a little while ago, and I love the concept. I just love that, hearing your process about that
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:02
I have never heard the word gamboge before. So it was fun for me to feel my way through that, through your words. And I'm left with this kind of quiet, strange length, almost like a warm. And I think it was that powerful image of an anvil in the beginning that ended up being something soothing and medicinal, something kind of Mother nature about it. Strong, but healing. So I enjoyed that. I enjoyed that one. And also yes? The baby. Bye
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Emilie Delcourt
@EmilieD · 0:26


Hi. Thank you for your reply. And, yes, it's funny, I didn't even really realize that I could hear the baby. She's very prominent now that I really listen to it. And, yes, I love a good series, and I think it's fun to put constraints on yourself like that and see what happens. Anyways, thank you for your response. I appreciate it
Emilie Delcourt
@EmilieD · 1:12


And, yes, the baby I was saying before, I didn't realize that you could really hear her or that she was at least quite so prominent on the recording. And she really is. And it is sweet. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time