Ellie Mariyo
@elliemariyo · 2:30

A Real Italian Meal in Torino

The most interesting meal I've ever had. I was living in Spain in 2013 and I met this really cool girl from Italy. We became friends and she invited me to come to her home in Torino when we had our first meal that night. Now, I later found out that they just put out all the stops for me. But our first course, I thought this was the whole meal was a plate of lasagna. And it was the best lasagna I had ever had

#TellYourStory "The most interesting meal I ever had"

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:18
I live in Queens, New York, and so it's like a lot about convenience, but sometimes I forget when I actually go to a better farmers market or better grocery store with better product, you can really tell the difference. But, yeah, it does take time. So it is all about that kind of slower, more intentional way of living that, yeah, I strive for as well. But thanks for sharing this on here at I enjoy listening to your story