Eilish Anderson
@ElevatedEnergy · 5:40

Support On The Spiritual Journey

And I think what's really hard about the spiritual journey and just kind of having that faith in general is that we're going in blind in the sense that we're believing in something that we can't physically see. We're connecting on a different level when we're dreaming about these things, or if you're having an experience in meditation or astral projection and things like that, and all of those things are great as far as a spiritual journey goes, but sometimes you just need that additional support

#Letstalkaboutit #ElevatedEnergy #support #mindset

Heidi H
@heidi · 2:13

Thank you for sharing your journey ❤️

Also, when she passed and she officially took her last breath, we didn't call anybody for at least 10 minutes, didn't notify anyone. But maybe a minute after she had officially passed, the phone started ringing and my aunt calls. She goes, I need to speak to lisa, something is wrong. And we had told her that she had just passed and she said, yeah, I felt it. I just knew