Eilish Anderson
@ElevatedEnergy · 8:56

Lessons Learned: Insights From My Ongoing Spiritual Journey

So what I think really goes hand in hand with that is the fact that when you are on a spiritual journey, you have to have a or at least I believe you have to have a certain level of faith or trust in the universe, god, the Creator, whatever you'd like to equate it to, because if you don't, you're probably not going to see the results that you want to see

If there’s one thing I know for sure, the lessons will always be present! #Voiceyouropinion #LetsTalkAboutIt #learning #GiveATalk

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:28


I look forward to hearing more. Oh, and I was curious if you have any books that are helpful for you on your spiritual journey. I'd love to hear about those
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