Charles Crafton
@dymanicdiction · 5:00

Just a thought

God has jesus has talked about the mocking of his church, of his father's church, and we watching preachers robbing people. These people are getting on Instagram and Facebook, and they're misconstruing the Bible. They're saying anything to pander to the woman. Women are now bishops and just all kind of disarray in the church. Then you got the disobedient one saying that the pastors and stuff, the religion is too rough. The religion is not too rough


Marilyn Bloodworth
@ladyB521 · 5:00
A lot. Let's get it back to having that real relationship with God, because he will order your steps and direct your path. As you continue to deal and speak and talk and have that relationship with Him, you'll see things totally different. And you're getting this from somebody that really love God. I don't straddle the fence. God bless you. I hope this helped you