
Ending Cycles:Embrace

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I can basically say that I have at one point in my life been afraid to be successful because the ending of a cycle of people that I have friendships with, family members I have kinship with, those cycles have to end because honestly, as a spiritualist spirit will not allow people to be in your energetic field that are not allowed to be there when he is. Elevating me, elevating us, her, us, them

#lettinggo #selfcare #beingbrave

J Wang
@jsmwang · 1:04
I was curious just I feel like the word cycle, there's so many layers there and it sounds like there are the natural cycles of life the circadian rhythm, the seasons and all of that. But then there's cycles that we kind of put onto ourselves and may not be the healthiest at times. So I was just curious, your thoughts on how to break out of cycles that maybe aren't the best for us or yeah. Finding cycles that are more natural and in tune with ourselves


So once you are aware, my mother used to tell me, you are no longer a victim. You are a volunteer. So once you find yourself being a volunteer to what makes you feel bad and you start to be content with it, it becomes a dangerous cycle to your health, to your mental health, your spirituality, your physical body, emotional, it becomes dangerous. So I would say the best way is to have courage