neeta singh
@DrNeetaSingh1 · 2:08

The meaning of life...

article image placeholderThe Swell Questionnaire
Meaning of life is agarme roj ek ekaram karak muskurano hokisiki thank you. Compliment. So I try to do that one positive thing in a day and definitely very grateful to God almighty for having given me this life. I think muji lakhtahe ki meaning of life is this. So I think this cycle will go on unless in until you've completed all your dharam karamjitnapuri aki likhewe so meaning of life mujalaktahi kihamari dealing. Other than that I think being grateful for everything that you have is all I can think of

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp7 https://s.swell.life/SU9FK7nfkgUKc4l #Perspective



So hamaripasi advantage or hame isla differentiate karth baki k living creatures so much baki k creatures compare kari abhimaka sakarna though jeju kojay bus hamer positive sides dignity her cheese or anandi tranachi ego sedur janachi abhivi targam kaylosakta but waska aware honajuri hai so life go a positive perspective say j galat sahi mayapo may be local tiatni perspective set kiyaki mandiri jake sif light bahar bi hosakti hai under milgay to bhadacha so wahi life or we are just an outcome of a science and we have to just see to the beautiful creation around us and see to the light that is coming and just lead it beautifully