neeta singh
@DrNeetaSingh1 · 5:00

Master Chef - My Mom❤️

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And the best part was, no matter what I cooked, it came out awful. My dad was most encouraging, saying, name better, bhadachahe. But the look on my brother and sister's face was like, I can't eat this, Mama Acharve. So it happened that I learned it very slowly. And today cooking is a passion with me. I love to cook. And more than eating myself, I like to cook for people


Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:09
It's cooking is really a beautiful art. And like you mentioned about the various nuances of cooking, the exact temperature, the exact kind of spices, the exact ingredients and the temperature, everything makes so much of a difference in one style of cooking and the other. And to get it right, it needs a lot of practice, because I think the first few times, we always end up making something which is a copy of the original version