Saurabh Bhatia
@DrBhatia · 3:58

Someone stole my petrol

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So this is a story which I would like to narrate about one of my travels. We were a bunch of friends traveling to a nearby place from Pune, the place I live in India. And we were going to a resort at a somewhat desolate place. So we all decided, four or five of us, we decided area to get into one single car of a friend called I will call him, let's say Renand

This is a story about an incident when a group of friends were travelling and somebody stole the fuel from their car

mr. Ankit Purohit
@ankit143 · 1:21
Such instruction one way but fact read it to your story and keep doing. Keep it up. You're doing well, bro. Sir. So take care. Bye