Although we had no concept of money, we learned of a real Robin Hood. He and his merry men robbed from the rich and gave it to the poor. I think that was our introduction to our feelings of american democracy. At a precious year of twelve, my parents stole my woods. They moved. This action forever changed my life. I lost my merry men. I lost my wander in the woods of freedom. I lost my way

A book in the works

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:09

#author #share #motivate

Hey Robert, what a great story. I look forward to hearing more about it. It sounds like you had a pretty magical childhood until it know it was magical. I think we can look back at our life and reflect on various different chapters or eras that stood out because we had the groups, the supports, the opportunities, the settings, the environments, all these things. Sometimes we can look back and be like, wow, that was a really good time in that period, right?