David Munoz
@DMunoz_Artist · 1:05

Give Everything You Are

Good morning. This is Di Munoz again. I am working on a process where I read selected pieces from Rumi every morning. And this one really stuck out. It's very, very short, so I hope you enjoy it. It this poem is called give everything you are. Go forward knowing the path will vanish under you. Open your arms knowing they will burn away. Give everything you are, knowing it is nothing. Bathe always in his river, even when it's blood

Another short poem from Rumi. #poetry #Rumi #recitation

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:37

#poetry #poems #rumi

David. Such a beautiful testament to Rumi's works. And just devotion. I feel devotion when I hear this. And devotion is a good reminder. I've always loved Rumi. Have a couple books of his collected works. I can't say. I can't say even sometimes I feel called to sit and read those works. But hearing this, and hopefully with hopeful anticipation that there'll be more from you regarding Rumi. Maybe it might change that for me