Kyd Kahlil
@Dj-KyDKahlil · 4:19

Rap journey you gotta be good

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But, you know, with the way that things are going on in Hollywood with, you know, the hip hop entertainment industry, I don't know, maybe it's better this know, who knows? But just one of my past Hollywood stories. Thank you

Stories from my past that lead up to the man. Dj Kyd Kahlil

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:30
The whole scene, the whole industry is just twisted, bro. It's not. It's not what it's made out to be. And I think the curtain's finally fallen and who knows if it's even gonna change, you know what I mean? Like, I can't even confidently think or say that I think it will because I don't. But I think it is worth noting that you're where you are and it's cool that you had that experience
Kyd Kahlil
@Dj-KyDKahlil · 0:52


And thank you for that info also, and I'll try to check you out. And like I said, thank you for the follow and stay tuned. Trust me, I got a lot of stories that are crazy. And, you know, like I said, once again, thanks for vouching. Hopefully maybe somebody younger or on their way to Hollywood or, you know, learn from people like us and everyone else, you know. Have a good day. Thanks