Dinakar s
@Dinakar · 3:41


They have lived. Survived for, I think, a million years or so. From what I remember from the book. I don't actually remember correctly, but, yeah, that's actually incredible. And there's also, like, one other species of humans who are like dwarves. They're called Homoflorus. Florus is like an island in Indonesia, I believe, and there is. When the ocean levels were very low, so it was easy to get to that island

#books #reading

Kavya .
@Kavya13 · 1:08
Hello Dinkar and I just finished listening to your podcast on the book Sapiens, and the book is really nice. I have read the book and it's a fantastic job by the author Harari that takes on this sweeping journey through the history of Homo sapiens and exploring everything from the cognitive revolution to the impact of agriculture, culture, and the complexities of modern societies and many more