
Loving yourself and setting boundaries

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Hello. Good evening, everyone. This is your girl, Dimples. In tonight's thoughtful, empowering actions, we're going to be talking about loving yourself and setting boundaries. All righty, going into our topic. Setting boundaries is a part of self love in so many ways. When we allow others to treat us unfairly, we aren't loving ourselves. We set boundaries, make others aware that we're not comfortable

#sippinthetea #thoughtfulempoweringactions

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:45
Hi. This is such an important reminder. I have definitely gotten better at saying no. It's still something that I struggle with. And I really resonated when you talked about the feeling of selfishness and that it's not selfish to set boundaries and to not lower your standards on another thing that you said that popped out to me. That is really powerful. And I really appreciate you sharing this on here again. I think it's such a great reminder that I needed

#Thankyou #episode2 #comingthisSaturday #thoughtfulempowingactions

It's. Thank you so much for that. I am happy that I was able to help you and others remind you of certain things that we as individuals need to do in order to obtain our own peace. And again, thank you. And I will be talking to you soon