
Have you heard this particular soundtrack: "Eysan Unutamiyorum" from the Turkish Series "Ezel"?

article image placeholderEzel " Eyşan Unutamıyorum " Toygar Işıklı
Ones here would invite you to share with me or with us, the ones that you listen to, the soundtracks or song that are part of a series, international and also American, that you really enjoy, that when you listen to them, it invokes a feeling that's positive and good, it energizes you. Or basically it sends you to maybe another place of relaxation or contemplation or understanding of something

https://youtu.be/EjkY7VE85Ps, #SeriesSountracks, #Moviescores. Do you have any soundtracks that you like? Let’s share the ones that we like here. .


@Digitalpenz https://s.swell.life/STaXov8npkTryMK

There's only one that I would say I'm not so great a fan of, but the rest of them, I don't know how many times I've listened to this soundtrack and these songs over and over and over again over the years, but I love that it's not the same three chords over and over. Like you hear so many songs are there's. This is I don't know, the richness of it, right? It's just there's something amazing about music
article image placeholderThe Engagement

#music, #songs, #soundtrack,

It's. Thanks for sharing that with me. I listened to it a couple of times, and I found that it was, you know, just a very I don't even know what to put it how to put it in words, but I was engaged. That's a way to put it in. I was engaged with it, and it I don't know. I just really enjoyed it. So thank you