Devski Grene’
@Devski_Grene · 2:40

My Youtube Dopamine Detox Part 2

You. So dopamine actually has a beneficial function in the brain as well as the body, but due to inordinate pleasure seeking, we crave more dopamine in our daily lives. Couple this with the fact that all social media sites are designed to give us dopamine hits with likes, comments and clickbaity titles and Fomo, and you have a recipe for turning everyday people into unwitting dopamine junkies. Now, do I believe that a dopamine detox works? Yes
Guadalupe Ospina
@GOD1forever · 3:00
So I feel you, bro, and I understand where you're coming from because I recently disconnected myself from Instagram and Facebook because I was highly addicted to it and I used to waste crazy time on it. Like, I used to just waste time and just grow and not care. So recently, I did it on and off. Like, I stopped. I deleted it. Deleted the whole app. I even deleted my Instagram, like, my original Instagram