The Deqode Podcast
@Deqode_podcast · 3:30

How Metaverse is losing to AI

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Another advantage that AI has over the metaverse is its ability to learn and improve over the time. As users interact with AIpowered virtual assistants and chatbots, these systems can gather data and use machine learning algorithms to continuously improve their responses and recommendations. This means that the virtual experience offered by AI can become more sophisticated and effective over time, while the metaverse remains static. In comparison, AI. Is also becoming increasingly important in shaping the physical environment of the virtual world

There are several reasons why people think the Metaverse is dying or atleast fading with the wide-spread use of AI. Listen for more. #ai #metaverse

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:12
Thank you so much for taking out your time and making a very insightful swell. On the topic, how metaverse AI losing to AI. I do agree that AI is being or AI is becoming superior to metawers because of the experience that it provides to users. And especially with the introduction of this chat GPT, we are able to understand that the next era will be completely ruled by or completely will be taken up by AI
The Deqode Podcast
@Deqode_podcast · 0:09


Hi, Gauri. Thank you for listening to this. Well, you have raised some very good points. And stay tuned for more