Deepali Walia
@DeeWa · 3:40

Curiosity Sometimes Labelled As An Argument

And now just for the purpose of sharing knowledge absolutely just for the purpose of sharing knowledge that you have gathered while doing your research, you just share the links of the articles or other sources to support your findings and viewpoints amongst those participants. But unfortunately you are being labeled as an argumentative person or somebody who stretches the conversation. That was already closed, however, it was never closed for you

#curiousmind #discussions #talks #swell #sharingknowledge #psychology

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:33
Hey there. This is a great swell. And it made me think and look back a little to see if I've been in similar situations. I agree that being curious can sometimes be misunderstood as being argumentative, and I do, in fact, recall being considered so by a few colleagues at my very first workplace. I was seen as somebody who just wouldn't let things go and always needed to have the last word in


But so often this is something else that's weird that seems to happen, is that for some people, when they ask questions, it's so tightly woven into who they are that the question, I guess, is supposed to convey some of what they believe and think. And so if you push back on something they said or ask them about something they said, it's seen as a personal attack
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 4:47
Most people have a tendency to find a truth, okay? And they try to say that. They try to protect that truth. They say, this is right. My truth is right. But in reality, we all just have parts of the truth. It may not be the entire picture. And the true wisdom is if you allow your truth to be tested by other people, by their philosophy and by their thoughts, that is what is true knowledge and that is what is true wisdom
Rohan RR
@SpecialMission · 0:53
So just I would say just leave them hanging. Don't try to correct them and try to correct yourself. So you only correct yourself and not having anyone else to correct you. So you'll be happy and you treat yourself right. That's it
Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:28
So one day what happened was teacher did one sum on the board and I did it in the other way and I started showing her before she completes. So since she always tolerated this particular boy, she thought I am also feeling the same and I was interrupting her. At that moment. She was very angry with me