Heart Words
@DeeThreets · 2:12

Poem: Waiting Patiently

Mothering and nurturing my scars God has smiled on me and mended the pieces of my broken heart beauty for ashes like a work of art waiting patiently for my moment to come can't change the past what has been done has been done never played a victim because I always overcome everything that was sent to destroy me and break me down I stayed strong in battle and I held my ground yes, there were times I got knocked down but I got back up dusted myself off because I will never give up I have too much to live for and so much inside when troubles try to find me in a secret place is where I hide prayer and faith are my tools prayer and faith is how I get through I can tell you that troubles don't last always continue to stay encouraged and patiently wait

#heartwords #poetry #love #overcomer
