Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 5:00

The first job interview I ever had...

So I mentioned that obviously we're going to feel bad and try to understand what went wrong and I'll try to build that up for my next interviews. So, yeah, that's what I would do. And the HRSA, that's the answer I was looking for. Congratulations, you hired. And I was beyond cloud nine. I was overjoyed so I guess it's not about what you answer. Like, if you answer right, it's about your attitude, right

#sdp24Apr30 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @phil

Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 0:56
I guess people look out for, you know, people who would fit in their community, fit in their company, rather than just looking at the expertise they have, because you can. Anyone can become an expert at anything. But finding the right attitude and the right skills, that's finding the right attitude. That's tough. People can invest. Other companies do invest in building up skills and knowledge. But if you do not have the right attitude, that's something only we can build
Sarita pramod
@pocketofstories · 0:35
Hi Deepak, thank you for sharing your experience with the job interviews. Yes, every job interview has its own unique perspective and you learn a lot as you keep on giving interviews. So for all of those who are new in the career or are thinking of job change, it's a big decision. So all the best and do your best and just be you. And things that have to fall in place will fall in place. Just go with a great attitude and give your best shot
Deepak Chhabria
@deepakchhabria · 0:14


Thank you, Sarita. Definitely being our authentic self will make sure that our interviews are successful. And practice definitely does make things better. Thank you again. Have a great day. Bye