Debangi Kaushik
@Debangi_kaushik · 1:37

My fav book

Hi, everyone. This is Debangi and this is my second swell. Today I'm going to talk about some random things, like about my favorite books. And I have one, which is I too had a love story. And it is awesome book book. And I haven't read it yet, but I know the whole story. I know the whole thing. And the last pages of this book is just it will make you cry. It is written by Sergey Vindersen

#I too had a love story

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:06
I'm midway through the novel and it's already taking me through that emotional rollercoaster. Yeah, I think there's so many books which I love. But I guess you can check out Morakami's books because his books are I don't know, they're very unique. Each and every storyline is very unique. And also, I remember loving Fault in Our Stars with all my heart when I was in class eight or nine. I loved reading that book. I loved the movie