J Stout
@DarkMoonMusings · 0:19

Moth Dreams

Dreams flutter fragile moth wings beating fiercely to reach the moon silver light full of promise beckons wistfully through shadows my heart beats savagely striving until my wings burn

My attempt at the sijo form #poetrymonth #nationalpoetrymonth2023 #poem

Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 0:49
Ah, fabulous. Fabulous. I loved it. Every second of it. And the length of it made it even more powerful. I saw that you were doing sijo. I've got to try it. I guess it's calling to me. I'm a little intimidated by it, got to tell you. I just kind of don't like to have to think too hard to write. But you have inspired me. You and Jacqueline and Nikki have inspired me to try it
J Stout
@DarkMoonMusings · 1:23


I am a big fan of short poetry and I write a lot of it, but fitting it into this style, into this form was kind of a challenge for me. And I heard of another one too, where you take you write seven haikus about the same subject that are all standalone and yet combine create a bigger picture. And I thought, oh, that would be really interesting too. I'm not sure if I will try that or not, but I like it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:36
I will come back to this form again and again and again. So thank you for giving it a go. And, Laura, I encourage you to do the same, just as an exercise. There's something quite soothing and sense of completeness when you can finally crack it. And I find that they okay because the form requires you to keep that measure in the way you articulate. This was lovely. Moth dreams. It was beautiful, Janice
Delbert Cespedes
@Xgzabeher · 1:33
The intensity of wings beating fiercely and hearts beating savagely until they burn. The wings burn to ash. It's like a capture effort, like earnest, sincere effort in just this short compilation of words. And yeah, I think that's what makes it so beautiful, that what you're trying to express is so clearly and profoundly done and we didn't have to write a thousand lines. You know what I mean? Yeah. Good work, Janice