Daniel Cooper
@Dan_quarterdeck · 2:01

Unbreakable kings intro

So my Unbreakable Kings mentorship program that I started basically for Men is showing the tools that I've learned through other mentors and books that I've read to help form a system of tools that you can use daily to strengthen yourself and to get the discipline, the motivation, then the discipline. Discipline is the most important to continue to exceed in your life. And before you get to that burn part, how to correct yourself and move forward
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:30

#inspired #men #menshealth #mentalhealth

Hey, daniel. This is a pretty cool adventure, pretty cool process you're going down to help to represent in this way. And I just want to say that I'm following specifically to stay up to date. I hope to see a lot more from you here when I get to know more. I'd love to chime in a little bit more, but for now, I'm just going to observe and let you know that I see you moving