The Daily Swell
@daily · 4:42

Are Protests Effective Anymore?

article image placeholderEven as Iranians Rise Up, Protests Worldwide Are Failing at Record Rates
And I thought this was very important because you're starting to see in a lot of countries polarization of their societies and in moments of turmoil. Max argues that this is more likely to have a split on these mass protests. This can really bolster the oppressing side or the autocrat side, depending on where you feel that line is drawn. But it helps these despised governments, helping them cast protesters as representing a very narrow interest group instead of the citizenry as a whole


Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:41


You see that when these political debates you see in the streets, when people if something happens in Wyoming, they're protesting in New York. If something happens across the seas in a different country, we're protesting here. How effective is that protest, right? It's bringing awareness, but it's bringing change. So I think that protest can be effective if we continue to march towards resolution to a change, to people saying, you know what? We're talking about this today
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 3:11
I think it will take a lot for us to really tear down the government and try to rebuild it. But yeah, we're in a different place. Yeah, I think that's all I have to say. Peace out, man. You take care