The Daily Swell
@daily · 2:04

Must discomfort precede positive change?

article image placeholder8 Things That Happen Right Before Your Life Changes For The Better
So anyways, I was reading this article by a writer who's really popular on medium. And the reason I even wanted to read it is because pretty much anything about change will grab my interest, especially right now, because this past year has been full of so many big changes in my life personally. And I know so many people who also feel like they've been going through one transition after another


Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 3:01

Change as the only constant in life

So I guess, and the same would go as far as my personal life is concerned as well, the journey to being a mom, to moving to taking care of the family, to handling various responsibilities. There everything everything has been odd with and a struggle. And yes, I have emerged at the end of it all with a smile. But that is in retrospect. Right. So when you're going through it, you really need to pull yourself together and push yourself every moment
Brooke C.
@Brooke415 · 4:56

Write > talk = go to Medium for link to graves theory of spiral dynamics 🤗

You can look that up if you're interested, but then they say the next stage of evolution, and I feel like we're definitely as I didn't catch your name, but she just said we're going through global changes right now. I feel like we're almost on the brink. I hope of kind of an evolutionary leap, hopefully, which we certainly have all the ingredients with all the technology and the rapidly accelerating exponentially of technology and development that we shouldn't be able to evolve