The Daily Swell
@daily · 3:51

Podcast: Everything Cha-Ching

article image placeholderFueled by Gratitude by Everything Cha-Ching • A podcast on Anchor
I think Victoria's approach to life was just so invigorating, and just the positivity that she finds in everything was great to hear, especially in a time where 2020 has just not been something that you think about gratitude a lot. And I thought, Jemim's, his handling of putting that financial spin on it just made so much sense. And one thing that Jamie admitted to is that they actually had this conversation twice. They recorded it one day and the record button didn't hit

Fueled by Gratitude with Jamin Armstead and Victoria Dumė: https://anchor.fm/jamin-armstead/episodes/Fueled-by-Gratitude-ekin5r
