The Daily Swell
@daily · 4:37

CEO video goes viral after telling employees to leave "pity city" after asking if they will receive bonuses

article image placeholder'Leave pity city,' MillerKnoll CEO tells staff who asked whether they'd lose bonuses
And I have to say that CEO is somebody I would never work for again. It wasn't only that incident, but that incident was a pretty big indicator that wasn't good at planning, wasn't good at realistic goal setting, didn't know the environment at the time, and then blamed all the employees and not himself, not the vision that we put down on the track, but the employees themselves. And throwing the temper tantrum was just the straw that broke the camel's back

Would you work for this CEO? Is this the new norm? https://s.swell.life/STbyqqFriT43t9k

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:42

Another CEO & compassionate leadership rather than capitalist leadership https://s.swell.life/STc0qADyrAdLBuM

And I also think a different way that we can think about leadership is it not being about power and abusing power, but about it being about compassion, about using your tools and resources and access to certain things that maybe others have not yet had access to as a way to do more good and create more good in the world rather than strictly only live by and lead by capitalist ideals. Which I think is why both of these CEOs are getting so much negative feedback right now
article image placeholderCEO commends employee for selling pet dog after forcing return to office (VIDEO) | Canada
Eric Owens
@EricG · 2:33


Me. This type of feedback from the public does not surprise me in the least. The entitlement attitude of everyone in this country just never ceases to amaze me, especially the younger generations. If a company does well and you're doing a good job and they can afford to pay bonuses and they want to pay you a bonus, that's great. But here's some reality people need to remember, okay? First and foremost, it's not about you