Crystal Vo
@crystalvo · 0:34

Inspirational Words

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To whoever is reading this today, I wish for you a heart free of sadness, a mind free of worries, a life full of gladness, a body free of illness and a day full of blessing. Have a wonderful day, everyone

Sharing inspiring words

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 0:44
I don't think anybody can get mad at you because your voice is mellow, and it's something that kind of like you want more of. So, again, thank you and have a wonderful weekend
Crystal Vo
@crystalvo · 0:53


You. Thank you. You make my day. A while back, probably over 15 years ago, I went to a Vietnamese radio station to advertise as a real estate agent. Instead of talking about business, I talk about stories. And we did read stories in Vietnamese, and I enjoyed it very much. And I heard that the station and the listener love to hear my story readings in Vietnamese as well. So, yes, I love voice to. Thank you. You make my day
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Crystal Vo
@crystalvo · 0:18


You. I share a quick link from my YouTube in Vietnamese words of wisdom. I like you to listen to it and see whether and tell me what you think
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Crystal Vo
@crystalvo · 3:26

A FEW TRUTH ABOUT TOUGH TIMES https://s.swell.life/STgHlCqKR5AzOP1

Most couple enter their best season after they reach rock bottom. That is when their true love is tested and they emerge stronger together. Instead of complaining about tough times, ask yourself what am I being taught? And how can I ride this wave? To do better, to be better, read biographies of the great. No story of the greatness has ever been written without a season of tough times. Up the mountain, thou the valley, the Lord is your portion of the land of the living
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