Kyda Warrior
@Crystal2Kyda · 4:50

What happened to our attention span? Did Social media’s instant gratification ruin us?

We're going to move on the next thing. We're going to move on the next thing real quick. Real quick, real quick. Nobody has this attention span that we used to have before social media existed. I've seen people will sit in the movie theater and they won't watch the movie. They'll be scrolling through their phone, and they'll be lifting their head up from time to time. They have no idea what was going on

#socialmediaproblems #whatswrongwithhumanity #rant #frustrated

Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:31
Qaeda. Hello. Interesting topic here. First off, this is one of the most unique swells I think I've ever heard. For you to talk about the attention span and how social media could be placating on that. Then you talk about that, you you have a Tik tok video, and I'm like, Whoa, wait a minute
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:57
He's going over all of its racism, police brutality, all of the injustices that are talked about and not talked about enough. Well, talked about enough, but nothing being done about it enough. And the whole time throughout the video, the actor, producer, music writer, extraordinaire, Childish Gambino and the other dancers in the background are doing all of these dances and cool distractions
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:37
Feed the monster. Feed the monster. I think social media has opened up Pandora's Box, and you can't close it because we want more. More, more, more. Oh, that's not interesting. Let's move on to the next. Oh, that doesn't fit my fancy. Let's move on to that. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. This oh, my goodness more and more and more. No, don't like that. Moving to next
Shay G
@Optimistic · 3:26
And the unique thing about me is I don't have a lot of social media. I've never had an Instagram page. I've never had a snapchat. I had a Facebook page once in about 2010, but I deactivated after, like, six months or so. My attention span is still bad, and I don't even have social media. I still stare at my phone all the time, and it's not in regards to social media
Kyda Warrior
@Crystal2Kyda · 2:42


Hey, so thank you for your reply. My name is Keita, as I pronounced it on my show or on my chat there. So I understand all of that. I've been on social media for a while. I'm well versed in how it works. My point was knowing how our attention span has gone. Yes, mine has done the same thing. My attention span has reduced as well. And that was something that I noticed
Kyda Warrior
@Crystal2Kyda · 0:43


But I walk into that stuff and it scares me to death. I'm thinking, oh, my gosh, what kind of spider has crawled up on me? But, yeah, I do thank you for your response
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Kyda Warrior
@Crystal2Kyda · 1:26


I really thank you for your response. And you're right, we are feeding a monster and I do believe that we are creating more problems with ADHD. I think we're creating ADHD because this used to not be anything back, you know, 40 years ago, 30 years ago even and now it's almost everybody who has it