
Day 7 of 30 to ween off caffeine

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It's doable. Inside. Spiritually. I'm feeling good. I didn't realize how much that the pre workout and drinking energy drinks and drinking coffee has been contributing to me basically flipping out and being bipolar for the last, what, like, year. So freaking out on my wife, freaking out about something online, whatever the situation is, like, every other day because my energy has been way too high

Im weening off of caffeine use

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:48
So the effects of caffeine are 12 hours, like one cup of whatever, and caffeine will run in your body for about 12 hours. You start compounding that, and that 12 hours turns to 18 hours. And that 18 hours can go more if you drink one later in the day, right? Well, then that affects your sleep patterns and your circadian rhythm cycles and your ram and your sleep and your dreams