
Nikita Kewalramani



The Crown Chakra 333. An Intuitive Tarot Card Reader. A strong advocate for issues relating to mental health, self-love, self-care, and self-healing.

Nikita Kewalramani
@CrownChakra333 · 1:44
What is Tarot ?

I thought before begining the Readings I’d answer few basic quesitons which people have, starting with, What is Tarot ? #readingsbynikitapodcast

Nikita Kewalramani
@CrownChakra333 · 1:26
Nikita Kewalramani
@CrownChakra333 · 4:45
What you need to listen to ? (Answer in the Audio)


Nikita Kewalramani
@CrownChakra333 · 3:58
What do you need to listen to ? (Answer in the audio)


Nikita Kewalramani
@CrownChakra333 · 0:58
Are Tarot Cards Accurate ? (Answer in the audio)


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