Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:45


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And again, a lot of time based on how a lot of people come into just the dating game and just a relationship game, again, based on what was passed down to them, whether somebody spoke to them or made it personal and up close, or whether they just observed, a lot of people are just learning how to play both of those games the wrong way

Some ppl really don’t know…….especially when it comes to dating & relationships!!

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 5:00

Still is from the movie , " a bronx tale "

I know I can afford to meet someone better than you. I just want to make sure. Even yesterday, I got the car to pick up food, and I most definitely saw a woman roll her eyes at her date after she looked at me, locked on my eyes, looked at him, rolled her eyes, and looked back at me. I have never been the type of person to look for such signs or choosing signals. I never wanted to be that ruthless
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Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:35
And this is not her man again. So you're getting $30 from him or $100 from him and then what? The next dude sending you 100? All of them trying to vibe for your attention. Pay for you is an unsure of prostitution. I just can't believe the audacity of some of these people or as you say, the expectancy of some of these people. And there's nothing wrong with a coffee date. There's nothing wrong. We're getting warmer now
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:31


I definitely got a lot out of your reply, and the one thing that really sticks out is how you said that we definitely should not live a life of expectancy. And interestingly, sadly, there are a lot of people in the world where it's like they do it too much. They expect certain things to be this way or that way
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:03


But again, what happens a lot of time, even for the females, don't under when you really don't understand how the game works or not even the game, but more so male and female nature in the modern society today, that's when people feel as though they can just take advantage of the situation. And then it's like, sadly, a lot of people are afraid to just cut it off because they feel as though they ain't got nobody else to talk to
Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 4:40


But you got people who go through that day entire lives, if that makes sense, and they don't have any external help, or worse, they have external help. They have congregations to help them. They have neighborhoods, families, coworkers, the whole nine. They still can't get out of a funk. So it's strange, brother, to really try to read the world of the expectancy, because we would all have to be stuck, whether we like it or not