Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:24

What "more" do I have to do?

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So years later, now, a lot of those questions have been answered. So maybe I didn't really need to be down with them or they really didn't have a role to play in my life at all. So I'm okay with that now. But even now, more so when you're trying to, I guess, meet people, see if it can blossom into a friendship relationship, whatever the case may be

Sometimes, tou gotta ask yourself that question!!

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:01
One thing I know is that whatever a person cares about the most, that's what they devote their time to. So if someone is not coming down to spend time with you and just bypassing you, that means that you're not first and foremost in their mind. That's just what it means. Because if you're going out of your way often to see that person and be there with that person, for that person, that means that person is a part of your heart
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:42
When I had to end my most recent relationship, there were just things that just were not working out. And I always felt like I was last on a very long list of people, and I refuse to be last. And I understand that we all have responsibilities, work. We're at an age where we have aging parents. If people have children, even adult children, there's going to be times where. And I understood all that, but I just felt like I literally came last
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:47


Hey, good morning, Auntie Ant. How you doing? Al Cosby here. As always, say, stay blessed and keep inspiring. As always, thank you for taking the time to reply and more. So thank you for taking the time to listen to this. Well, again, like I said, what we do, a lot of time, we just ask those questions. What more do I have to do?