Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:23

The ART of storytelling!!

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Now, I can add more to it, so when you're doing something like that you can't really consider it to be a lie or anything like that. But I would have to definitely say that the greatest storytellers in the world would have to be musicians. And some of my favorite musicians, especially rappers, are people like Buster Rhymes who just got a Lifetime Achievement Award. People like Rockham when it comes to R and b. My man Glenn Lewis, I love his storytelling

Sometimes it good, and sometimes it’s bad……..

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:15
Hey, Al. This is Erica of Bun Bun Book Picks, formerly Soul Journey One. K, how are you? Thank you for this swell. Two points I wanted to make. First of all, this is very this is very on time because I want to write a memoir eventually. And one thing about memoirs is when it's almost like tell all depending on the theme and subject matter
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:21


And like I said, I'm grateful that you agreed with to it as well, where it's like people a lot of times they're afraid to read the word because again, it's a mirror of themselves. Some people really don't want to face themselves because it's a hard feel to swallow and it's a very hard dose of reality. But again, I always appreciate your replies and again, God list on a memoir that you're working on and as always, God bless
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:51
You. Hey, brother Al, I was listening to your spell about storytelling, and you mentioned some of the hip hop grapes. And I will say they are great. They are legends. I don't know what these kids today be listening to, but I guess to them, it's probably storytelling. I don't know, because, one, the rappers today all sound alike, right, to me. And then two, especially with this month rap, do they even be saying anything?
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 1:27


There's always a story behind the story. And I mention that all the time when I'm working my part time job as an assistant casting director. Interestingly. We had a conversation I had a conversation rather, with the preteens and the mid teens and even the late teens about how a lot of holidays have become commercialized over the years, but nobody really knows the true significance of it
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:48
They can make you believe that we can achieve all things, but don't pay attention to what's going over there. Okay? But, yeah, storytelling, it's a rare thing these days, right? Social media, it's like that flash mob, what people do now. They can tell a story in, what, 30 seconds, and people believe that, and it goes viral, and it's a lie