Nicole Rodriguez
@coleslaw · 3:34

pulling teeth

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Like I said, I wrote this poem over three years ago, but a lot of it still resonates when I'm having just periods of creative block and I can't figure out what to do. I start to think about that concept and sometimes s that's what you need to write about is just the things that you feel like you can't do and get those things out of your brain. So let me know what you guys think

A poem about writing poems. #poetry #poems #swellpoetry #writersblock #creativity #writing



Yes, yes. There are times when things do not flow like we want them to flow on the page. Absolutely. Thank you for speaking to this. Sometimes it is, like you said, writing about not being able to write, wanting to be creative of, but not knowing how it's going to come out or not to be able to put the words together the way that you want to, because it's just not gelling
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 3:21
And so I love this piece because it speaks to all of the challenges that come along with being this type of artist. Because poetry is so unique as an art form, because it deals with communication, it deals with language, it deals with one of the fundamental themes that the foundations of our society is built on, and that is how we interconnect through our communication, one with another. So to be a poet, that's a different type of art, and it takes a different type of mind