Nicole Rodriguez
@coleslaw · 1:48

#MyProfile | Nicole Rodriguez

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I love hearing people's perspectives and how that's affected their lives and things like that. I'm excited to be here. I think this is a cool AV avenue to get to meet new people and have some pretty cool in depth discussions. And I'm looking forward to meeting all of

#FirstSwell Mental Health Advocate | Arts Enthusiast | Lifelong Learner | Certified Nerd



And and I, too, am a poet, and I am considered myself a digital artist, and I have worked in mental health in the past in my life in the past for over 25 years, specifically with addictions mental health. So I get that a little bit. So cool. I hope that we can hear more from you and that you feel at home here on swell. I think you said you're in Oklahoma. I think you said, I'm in the lovely state of Florida
Nicole Rodriguez
@coleslaw · 2:27


I think when you have experience in the mental health field, you have kind of a unique perspective when it comes to art and kind of the human experience as it relates to art. And so I try to be mindful of that in anything that I create and just make sure that it's very plainly human