CoachGieselle Pov
@CoachGieselle · 4:21

Participate in Rachel Cargle’s Black History Month Challenge

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And I learned that they honor the 2 million Africans who died during the trans Atlantic trip, trans Atlantic human trade voyage that was known as the middle passage. 2 million Africans died. I don't know if you're like me, middle aged. I did not learn this in school. And I feel so many emotions, most especially as an afro Latino woman, I feel mostly right now deeply grateful that this person is leading this challenge and that I have the opportunity to learn more


Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:46
And I felt like, you know, my dad's from Iran, and I know a lot about Iran, but I don't know as much as I want to know about the rest of the world. And so I very consciously tried to seek out courses that would open those doors for me, and I ended up studying just remarkable things, the history of the Americas, the Caribbean
Zen Momma
@ZenMomma · 3:22
Hi, Coach Giselle. I am glad I found you today and I'll be following you and thank you for this resource. I went right to Rachel Cargo's Instagram and checked her out and her book looks really cool and I just yeah. Thank you for encouraging us to participate in Black History Month. If our schools and stuff aren't going to do it, we need to educate ourselves on the real history of the world
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Malaika Mendes
@Ragafari · 4:19


She was a ruler in Egypt, in ancient Egypt, and one of my brother's first name is Keita, and that is the dynasty of Mali, the Mali emperors in Western Africa, things like that. So we were exposed in my home to African history, African culture. And growing up, I immersed myself in learning the African culture and history and everything geography and everything, African music. It just captured my imagination, even though I still have some sort of balance