Coach Brooklyn Eason
@CoachBrooklyn · 4:54

Stop Expecting people to change, change yourself

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What are we doing? We're hurting ourselves. So go in this relationship with a new attitude, thinking to yourself, all right, do I really like this person? You know, there's going to be flaws. We all know that. No one is perfect. No one's going to dot every eye for you. And if that's what you think I'm saying. No, I am saying to give the person an interview, it should be a three months interview, okay

Change starts with you

Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 1:09
So in your life you can get such kind of people but you have to avoid them. And nobody can change anyone. But you can change yourself. So try to change yourself and focus on yourself. Let them be what they are
Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:01
Happy Saturday. Well, we are definitely connecting here. Yes. You know, the girls and I, the single girls and I were just discussing how, yes. We get into a relationship, I think because of companionship, personally, and they end up being a project. We don't want a project. We just want equal. So you are right


So it's about self love. So once again, when we get in a certain age and we're older, we did that when we were younger, we're not doing that anymore. And we are empty nester. Oh, no, no, no. We need to be happy at this point. You want a lifetime partner, and you need to seek that. And there's nothing wrong with dating. And then when I say dating, I don't mean dating one person