Cizzal ๐Ÿ‘‘
@cizzal12ย ยทย 3:19

For anyone going through things and breakup

You will love. If you love the wrong person that much, just imagine how much love and happiness and peace that you'll bring the right person. Just I'm ended at that

#breakup #feelings #endingthings #positivity

Rocรญo (Ro) Christensen
@rocioย ยทย 0:37
Yeah, I feel like there's every every breakup brings a lot of lessons, but usually, like, a real big one. And I like that button at the end of if you love somebody this much and it's not the right person, imagine the right person. It's true. It's true. And I think with each relationship that we have, we learn a bit more about ourselves and and about others, and it's an accumulative process