Myron dawsey
@CircleCityTrap · 0:30

Lebron on jerry jones photo

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Good morning, guys. I was on Twitter and LeBron posted. He asked the media question. Why wasn't he asked about Gary Jones photo like he was about the Kyrie Irving state? And I want to know you guys thought on that. Please respond and give your thoughts. You have a great day. Bye


J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 1:59
What are their response now? Just on the periphery, not really taking this information in first hand, I'm very curious, and I feel like it's a legit I believe it's a legit question to ask. Hey, you queried me about the Kyrie situation. What, you think one black person or another black person has something to say or you want to hear and see and highlight us tearing each other down and not supporting one another?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:10
The bigger problem is Kyrie Irving almost being expelled from the NBA for having a religious view. I think that, to me is more pertinent being that Kari is an NBA player and he's a former teammate of LeBron James. Furthermore, I also feel LeBron is sort of deflecting from the hot seat to then talk about Jerry Jones, an NFL owner of the Dallas Cowboys. But those are just my views. Thank you for bringing this bringing this topic to light